Values of Information Consciousness A.L.L.
There is no Universal formula for happiness, so take what resonates in each moment.
inner stillness / meditation + physical movement + nature + connection with others

Have compassion for yourself and others. We are all human beings who have come here to learn. Speak to yourself with the same patience and grace as you would a child. We express courtesy to others when we work on being more compassionate and loving with ourselves.
Seek deeper levels of self-awareness. Infinite knowledge exists in this universe, so everyone is ignorant of something. No one is better than or less than anyone else. At some point, we were all born into this world and conditioned to believe certain things. Despite our differences, we are all inherently the same within.
Inner Peace
Small actions consistently are the big things that lead to a strong foundation of inner peace. Self-care is essential. It is worth your time and energy if it adds to your serenity. Aim to be an observer. Maintaining inner calmness allows you to take more efficient action toward goals.
Free Will
The human mind is designed to keep you safe and comfortable, but you can train it to work in your best interest. Remain open-minded and release strong attachments to material possessions and nonmaterial perceived realities. Change and growth are constants in life. You have a choice every second to take a small step toward creating a different reality for yourself and others who you interact with.
Recognize everyone's mortality. Our time on this planet in human form is limited. We only ever have the present moment to experience. Do things in the present you'll thank yourself for at a later present moment. Where focus goes, energy flows. Harness the power of the here and now.
Focus on feeling good as much as possible. Listen to your intuition to tune into your inner being. Many of the answers you seek will emerge through silence and solitude. Know that sometimes you'll need to do things that don't bring instant gratification. Follow your inner guidance towards aligned action. Joy, freedom, and unconditional love are your birthright.
Letting appreciation flow into your body shifts your focus to thoughts that feel good. You can choose to be grateful anytime for anything and everything. Try it: take a deep breath and say thank you. Discovering the abundance in this world to be thankful for allows acceptance of what is and what is becoming. You can maintain a positive mindset and attitude by expressing appreciation more often.